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Kendall Takes Us Betwixt & Between

Updated: 6 days ago

Our 'ON THE SPOT ' interview series highlights individuals throughout the creative community for their contributions to art and culture. Putting these artists "on the spot" we created a space where creatives and innovators tap into the conversation to uplift and continue to inspire the creative community. Next up is...Kendall Rucks.

Kendall Rucks, a rising prospect in the vibrant Los Angeles music scene. Her mystique voice and captivating sound built on alternative rock and dream pop undertones set her apart in a city that teems with creative talent. Her newest E.P., "START A WAR," is a testament to her remarkable talent and her unwavering dedication to vulnerability and authenticity. Kendall's music is organic, dark, and genuinely reflective of who she is, consistently inspiring her audience. This singular approach has garnered her an increasing fan base, eagerly waiting for her sonic evolution. Kendall remains audacious and innovative with her forth-coming alt-pop single, "Like I Do," which encapsulates empowerment and self-worth. Kendall cites the song as a catalyst for embracing invincibility, painting a mental image of her and her friends singing along to it after a day at the beach. Drawing inspiration from renowned artists such as Fiona Apple, Lana Del Rey, Mazzy Star, and eminent bands like Fleetwood Mac, Radiohead, and Garbage, Kendall's music is an effective amalgamation of sultry, powerful, and soulful sounds. Her unparalleled edge combined with a commitment to sincere storytelling distinguishes her in a competitive environment.

Take us back, do you recall the moment you told yourself "I'm going to make this my career", describe that moment. What made you pursue this career?

I don’t recall a specific moment in time since music / art has been an intrinsic part of my life since I was a kid.  My parents always let me pursue my interests and for me, one dance class led to one theatre class which led to voice lessons, piano lessons, guitar lessons and ultimately coming to LA to pursue music (and acting at first too).  Being in LA has given me the opportunity to perform and write and produce my own music so every year brings another level of evolution and growth... I'm not sure if I ever "decided" anything other than to continually pursue my passion...and so here I am (: 

How would you describe your artistic style?

I really love all genres of music but if I had to pick a lane for me right now in this moment, I'd say Alternative dream pop (:

What are you most passionate about? What themes or concepts do you explore in your music? 

I’m passionate about pushing the discussion regarding soul connection, inner power and love and how those things overlap. How we see ourselves, impacts how we relate to others and I like exploring the complexities of the dynamics between all phases and mindsets in relationships.  If we feel powerful, we become powerful.  If we allow ourselves to connect with our primal selves we can experience love and passion in ways we never imagined before.  I'm passionate about all things love and relationship - Power, peace and all in between. 

Are there any specific artists or movements that have influenced your work?

I would say Fiona Apple leads the pack. Her artistry and songwriting is next level. Growing up I listened most to her, Mazzy Star, Lana, Elliot Smith & Nirvana. I think the 90’s grunge movement influenced my songwriting a lot. I love the brutal honesty that came from that era. 

If you had to title this chapter in your life, what would it be?

 “Betwixt & Between” which means - neither here or there, somewhere in between, in the ether. Potential energy about to kick off in motion ...moving from one thing to the next...full of potential - I totally resonate with that which is why it's gonna be the title of my next album (:

When was the last time you did something for the first time? What did you learn from that experience?

Hahaha I rode jet skis for the first time last month! I pretended I was James Bond. I cranked it as fast as possible - Trusting the adrenaline and remembering sometimes to just let go - what a rush!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?


Oh man...this is a hard one...If i'm being honest, in the past, I tended to listen to too much advice and spin myself in circles trying to incorporate everyones opinons. If I had to say something here I would say that the best advice is that you need to be your biggest advocate and your greatest fan - I tend to be a bit shy and reserved in real life and I don't lobby for myself as much as I should - as I've grown (especially over this past year), that's the advice that I'm learning to listen to.  I am realizing my worth and my power and I'm becoming my biggest advocate and fan - still a work in progress, but I'm taking that advice and running with it. 

What’s one something you had to “learn the hard way”?

This industry. There’s lots of pieces and players and no rule book. You have to get strategic to win (which is probably why I trip up so much! hahaha!) I can't say I've learned this industry, but I am still in the process of could say, I'm in the Betwixt and Between phase (:

Has there ever been a time when you felt like giving up and starting a new path? What keeps you focused?

What!?! lol, all the time! This industry is rough but I continue to love it. That said, I don't think it's the only thing that would make me happy.  I feel like I could be happy on a stage in front of thousands or ghost writing for another artist - at the same time, I think I could also be happy working at small town diner or on a farm with a bunch of horses.  At the end of the day, happiness is the goal.  I think I’ve been driven for so long because music is in my heart. I stay focused because I know the music I make has the potential to make someone feel less alone and reach someone who needs it, even if that is just 1 person. 

What has been the most exciting thing that has happened to you recently?

Releasing my single “Like I Do” has been so so exciting. Seeing the response from people, especially young women has really inspired me.  It's a song about fate and longing and love and the power of each of those emotions - I love that people can relate to that. 

In your opinion, whom do you consider to be a visionary? What about them do you admire most?

I would say Lana Del Rey is such a visionary of our generation - the way she creates a world and aesthetic around her art is unmatched. She paints a picture with her music and draws us in, we may not have had the same experience but we all love to participate in the journey with her.  

How do you show up for yourself? As in, what’s self-care look like for you?

Spending time with friends and family, moving my body, my cats, being in nature, walking barefoot on grass. Leaving LA every now and then. 

The past years have been life- changing. 

What's something new you've learned or discovered about yourself in the past 3 years? How have you applied that to your work?

The last year specifically was the first year I’ve ever completely been alone. I’ve always gone from one co-dependant relationship to the next.  Now,  I’ve fallen in love with my solitude and it’s surprised me.  I think this comes about most in my writing and the themes I write about- I feel so much more empowered.   

What was the inspiration for your new project? Can you tell us more about the meaning behind the music?

The inspiration behind my single “Like I Do” is the feeling of kismet / fate when you meet someone and just know at your core, that you will have them body and soul someday.  It's about meeting someone and that holy shit moment where your reality know that you will have a relationship with that person.  It's all encompassing and enchanting - I do a lot of astrological work in my own life and I believe in the power of intention in the universe - I wrote parts of the song like chanting a spell with commands like “come to me” “do as I say.” Call it a spell song or a song about making your vision your reality, whatever you wanna call it, I think it's powerful. 

How does your new music compare to your previous releases?

“Like I do” is more In alignment with the music I listen to and art I reach for - my most recent past releases feel so influenced by other people and their opinions that, while I still love the music we made, I kind of went along for the ride. “Like I Do” feels more like me. 

Describe the creative process. When did you know you had the final cut?

I found this beat online and immediately built a melody around it which turned into words all under an hour - I felt like I was possessed. I called the studio and booked the room and went in and recorded everything in an hour. When I sat in the studio and listened back I knew I had it - I didn’t overthink and workshop it - I felt like In that short time the energy and emotion got captured and felt so special.

What do you feel has been your biggest growth as an artist?

The relationships I’ve had along the way. My community of artist friends and musicians in Los Angeles. I’m constantly being pushed and inspired by those around me.  

Following your dreams comes with many ups and downs. What would say is the hardest thing about following your dreams?

I think sticking to the linear path is incredibly hard, the pull of others opinions and input can sway you off your internal compass.  I've struggled with this in the past but over the past year, I am finally feeling more centered.   

In your opinion, what do you think is not fair about today's music industry?

I truly feel like the industry has never been more fair. With social media, there really is such a level playing field of how you can break as an artist.  I especially like Tik Tok.  Sure there will be those with big money backing them etc and don't get me wrong, the $$ aspect is REAL but I feel like with social media and hustle a good song and artist will rise to the top eventually. 

How do you hope your music resonates with viewers or impacts the world?

I hope listeners feel empowered and reminded of their own inner god / goddess. I would love to be a part of a movement that reminds people of just how sacred and powerful we all are.  

What's next for your career?

I’ve got more releases on the way and a whole lot more songs to hit the studio and record! It’s looking to be a very busy year for me so stay tuned!

Stay Connected to Kendall Rucks


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